Table of contents
- 1 Poker
- 2 History and breakthrough of poker
- 3 Basic Rules of Texas Hold'em Poker
- 4 Goals in Poker
- 5 Dealer determines the order of play
- 6 Small Blind and Big Blind
- 7 Good to know!
- 8 First betting round (Preflop)
- 9 The first three community cards
- 10 Second betting round (Flop)
- 11 Fourth community card (Turn Card)
- 12 Third betting round
- 13 Fifth Community Card (River Card)
- 14 Fourth and final betting round (showdown)
- 15 Possible Card Combinations and their Probability
- 16 When which poker action?
- 17 Variants of Poker
- 18 Community Card Games
- 19 Draw Poker
- 20 Stud Poker
- 21 Betting Structures in Poker
- 22 The most important poker strategies
- 23 Positions at the table
- 24 Outs
- 25 Pot Odds
- 26 Hand Range
- 27 Bluff and Slowplay
- 28 Top 3 Poker Providers
- 29 PartyPoker - $325 Bonus
- 30 Bet at Home – up to $1500
- 31 Bwin Poker - 100% to 100 dollars
- 32 Five Golden Rules for Poker Players
- 33 Small Poker Glossary
- 34 Video Texas Hold'em Rules - How to Play Correctly
- 35 Conclusion: Poker is more strategy than gambling
It may be hard to believe today, but poker has long been considered a particularly dishonorable and criminal card game. Meanwhile, the whole world is playing it – whether in the casino, online or even at home. In a relatively short time, poker has become most popular card game in the world molt. It has become socially acceptable. This may also be related to the fact that poker is not only about luck, but above all on Skill and tactics arrive.
Professionals say it takes a minute to learn poker, but a lifetime to master it. It may not be that fast, but with our guide you will learn the basics in no time. In order not to make it unnecessarily complicated, we will explain the rules right away for Texas Hold'em - by far the most popular poker variant. Of course, we will not miss to introduce other types of poker and to discuss many other aspects of the famous card game.
History and breakthrough of poker
The Persian card game As Nas is still sometimes mentioned as the forerunner of today's poker game. This theory has long been refuted. Instead, experts today agree that the origin is Germany or France, respectively. It is located in the German Poch or the French Poque. The names of the games are derived from the verb " throb " ab, that's in English " to poke “ means. This gave rise to the current name poker, which was first proven in 1836.
Like most gambling, French emigrants brought the game to the United States. From New Orleans, it reached the entire east of the country via the Mississippi steamers. Many settlers lost their house and farm while playing poker. During the gold rush in the middle of the 19th century, the card game conquered the west of America in no time at all. A short time later, the whole country played poker in a wide variety of variants, such as Draw Poker and Stud Poker . The Hold'em variant is the youngest and by far the most popular today. It occupies a place of importance in casinos and online casinos worldwide 90 Percent a.
The World Series of Poker ( WSOP ) changed the image of the game abruptly. In the past, it was considered a game of chance by shady people who only had their own advantage in mind with fraud. The reason for this was the so-called professional players, who made their way through the country during the time of its creation in the 19th century, and amateurs not only with their skills, but also cheating on the table . Similar to today's shell players, who are after unsuspecting tourists. However, the WSOP changed the reputation and was able to make it clear to a wide public that poker is about more than just luck.
The annual poker tournament held in Las Vegas has long since attracted worldwide media attention. This is also one of the reasons for the poker boom. But not only the WSOP, but also various poker broadcasts have long been flickering over dollar-Paean screens. The fact that popularity has become a boom is ultimately also the Online Casinos thanks to those who really offer everyone the opportunity to play poker and advertise it vigorously. And although online poker lacks elementary components such as gestures, facial expressions and other physical behavior of the other players, this seems to make little difference to poker friends. An end to the poker boom is not in sight!
Basic Rules of Texas Hold'em Poker
Texas Hold'em @ mr green casino
Texas Hold'em as with Blackjack with French or Anglo-American playing cards, i.e. with 52 Sheets played. The smallest possible card is the 2, the largest possible is the ace. Poker requires at least two players, the maximum number of players is in theory ten or twelve players. In the (online) casino, the maximum number depends on the seats at the poker table. In some American casinos there are even tables with 14 seats.
In casinos or American poker rooms, the so-called dealer ( or in French: Croupier ) responsible for the game management. He distributes the cards, which is why he is also referred to as the dealer, cancels the bets and pays out the winnings, makes sure that there is no cheating, is available for questions and generally ensures order. What the dealer says is law.
Aim at poker
Poker is traditionally played with chips as a bet, which are called chips in French. Tokens or cash are also used in the private sector. The aim of poker is to win as many chips as possible from the other players. Occasionally, poker variants are also offered, in which you play against the bank. However, the increase in chips remains the goal here as well.
There are two ways to achieve this goal . On the one hand, the highest possible combination of poker cards and on the other hand, the skillful way of playing, which forces the other players to give up, although the poker hand may not be better than yours. A poker hand always consists of five hands . It is formed from the two own cards and the five community cards in the middle of the poker table.
Dealer determines the order of play
Pictured: A Poker Button Dealer
But before the real game begins, the professional dealer shuffles the cards, has a part withdrawn by one player and then distributes an open card to each player in the round. The player with the highest card is the nominal dealer. It sounds a bit confusing at first that the dealer determines a dealer, but is mainly used to determine the game order. The chosen dealer receives the dealer button, so that every player at the table knows at any time who is currently the dealer. In technical jargon it says: The player is "on the button" .
Usually, the cards in poker do not have a ranking in terms of their suits. However, if two people have received a card with the same maximum value in this dealer determination, the order of the colors known from the bridge is used for the decision: Spades, hearts, diamonds and finally clubs . In a private setting, i.e. without a professional dealer, the dealer is also responsible for the issuance of the cards among the players. In the casino, it is a purely theoretical function without a task, which, as I said, is only important for the game sequence. After each round, the dealer button moves one position clockwise.
Small Blind and Big Blind
The player to the left of the dealer must place the small blind, i.e. the small, blind bet. Blind, because this bet must be made before a card is even dealt. His left neighbor, on the other hand, is responsible for the big blind, i.e. the big, blind bet. This is double the small blind . Both small and big blind are fixed at each table. Both players cannot bet more or less for the time being.
Good to know!
If there are only two players at the poker table, then this situation is called heads-up. In a heads-up, the one with the dealer button perceives the small blind, while the other player must set the big blind.
First betting round (Preflop)
After the formalities have been clarified, the game can begin. Each poker round consists of a total of four betting or betting rounds . First, the dealer gives each player a face-down hand card. After that, another one takes place directly, so that everyone has two personal cards (hole cards or pocket cards). Since Small Blind and Big Blind have already made bets, they are not allowed to explain themselves yet. Instead, the player to the left of the big blind is the first to act. He and all the other players have three options:
- Callen: The player goes along and makes a bet equal to the big blind.
- Raisen: The player increases the bet and in this way forces all other players to bet more chips as well.
- Fold: The player gets out and returns his cards face down to the dealer. He can no longer win the pot, but also does not have to make any further bets.
If one player raises the bet, all other players have to keep up to stay in the game. However, the maximum bet does not necessarily have to be set, but only increased to it. For example, if the small blind had to bet five dollars and now one of the players has increased to 20 dollars, he only has to bet 15 dollars to stay in the game with a total of 20 dollars bet.
Once all bets have been placed, the dealer draws them in and forms the pot in the middle of the table, which the winner receives.
The first three community cards
Only after the first betting round, the dealer places the first three community cards on the table for all to see. But before that, he takes the first card from the deck of cards and puts it next to it. She will Burn Card and also removed from the game before giving any further community card to prevent players from having advantages or trying to cheat by markings or the like.
Second betting round (Flop)
The second betting round, the so-called flop, begins with the player sitting to the left of the dealer button, the so-called first position. It corresponds to the small blind. Since no one has made a bet before him, he can also check, so stay in the game without betting. The following players can also wait until the first player from the round makes a bet. If a player does this - whether because of good cards or for tactical reasons – he forces all other players to bet as well, at least in the amount of his bet – at least if they want to stay in the game. Of course, every subsequent player also has the opportunity to raise and thus increase the pressure on the subsequent ones. If all players check in the second round, this is finished. However, if one or more players place a bet, this round will continue until everyone has kept the bet or dropped out. Those who get out will not get their bet back in principle.
Fourth community card (Turn Card)
After the second betting round, the professional dealer places the fourth community card face up on the table. Before that, he takes off the Burn Card again.
Third betting round
The third round of betting proceeds in the same way as the previous one. (see 7. Second betting round)
Fifth Community Card (River Card)
After the third betting round, the dealer completes the series of community cards by visibly placing the fifth in the hand on the table. Now each player can put together the optimal hand from the two own and the five joint cards and make initial considerations as to whether this would be enough for a victory on points. There are no specifications regarding the number of own and third-party cards for hand formation.
Fourth and final betting round (showdown)
For the last time, the remaining players make their bets in the usual manner. For the last time in this round there is also the possibility to get out. After everyone has placed their bet, the individual cards are turned over and the dealer looks at which player has won the best hand and thus the pot. Of course, the pot can theoretically also be won earlier, namely if only one player remains in one of the previous rounds.
Possible combinations of cards and their probability
How good the poker player's hand is is decided by the combination of the five best cards, which is formed from the two personal and the five community cards on the table. In principle, the following applies: The less likely a combination is mathematically, the higher the hand . If two players have the same combination, the height of the so-called kicker decides. This is the side card. If two players have five completely equal hands, the win is divided ( Split Pot ). There is basically no ranking of cards by suit in poker. Hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades are therefore equal, at least in Texas Hold'em.
Name | Importance | Decision criterion | Probability of 5 cards | Probability of 7 cards |
Highest card
(High Card)
None of the following combinations | Height of the individual cards | 50,12 % | 17,41 % |
A couple
(One Pair)
Two cards of the same value (e.g. hearts 10 + spades 10) | Height of the pair and the side tickets | 42,26 % | 43,83 % |
Two Paa
(Two Pair)
Two pairs (e.g. heart 10 + Spade 10 and cross king + Heart King) | Height of the pairs and the side ticket | 4,75 % | 23,50 % |
(Three Of A Kind)
Three cards of the same value (e.g. diamonds 7, hearts 7, clubs 7) | Height of the treble and side tickets | 2,11 % | 4,83 % |
Five cards in a row (e.g. Cross 5, 6 of spades, Cross 7, Heart 8, 9 of spades) | Highest card | 0,392 % | 4,62 % |
Five cards in one suit (e.g. Cross 2, Cross 4, Cross 5, Cross Queen, Cross King) | Height of the individual cards | 0,144 % | 3,03 % |
Full House
A three of a kind and a pair (e.g. jack of hearts, jack of diamonds, Jack of spades, cross 5, 5 of spades) | Height of the treble and height of the pair | 0,144 % | 2,60 % |
(Four Of A Kind)
Four cards of the same value (e.g. hearts 9, Spades 9, clubs 9, diamonds 9) | Height of the quadruple and the side ticket | 0,0240 % | 0,17 % |
Straight Flush
A single-color street (e.g. 7 of spades, 8 of spades, 9 of spades, 10 of spades, Jack of spades) | Highest card | 0,00139 % | 0,028 % |
Royal Flush
A street in a suit with ace as the highest card (e.g. cross 10, Jack of clubs, Queen of clubs, King of clubs, Ace of clubs) | The pot is split (Split pot) | 0,000154 % | 0,0032 % |
When which poker action?
Reasons for a call: | Reasons for a raise: | Reasons for a fold: |
- To see another card as cheaply as possible, especially at draws
- If a raise would result in the opponent giving up his weaker hand and only the superior hands would remain in the game - To prevent a reraise of aggressive players - Feigning weakness (slowplay) - Preparation of a bluff |
- To increase the pot if you think you are holding a good hand
- To expel the players with weaker hands from the game - To move players with stronger hands to the task - To bluff - To receive a free card in a later betting round - To gain information from the opponent |
- To lose as few chips as possible in a weak hand
- In order to deceive the opponent by repeated folding, you play (basically) defensively |
Variants of poker
Although Texas Hold'em is by far the most popular poker variant at the moment, it is far from the only one. For a long time, other species were much more in demand. Basically, all variants can be summarized in three groups explained in more detail below.
Community Card Games
As we have already learned about the rules, Texas Hold'em is a game with community cards. The player uses the five community cards on the table, also called the board. So that not every player holds the same hand, everyone gets two hole cards, which he can freely combine with the community cards. He is free to choose whether he uses two, one or none of his personal cards.
Different variants:
- Omaha Poker: Each player receives four hole cards and must form his hand from exactly two of his own four starting cards as well as three community cards.
- 5 Card Omahav : Instead of four, each player gets five of his own starting cards and must also form his hand from two of his own and three community cards.
- Courchevel Poker : The starting situation is the same as with the 5 Card Omahav. The difference is that the first card of the flop is revealed before the start of the preflop betting round.
Draw Poker
Draw poker has long been the most famous variant of poker. It is characteristic that here the game is played exclusively with face-down cards, which once again significantly increases the psychological component of poker. In most cases, the player receives five cards and must form a hand from them, whereby he has the opportunity to exchange certain cards. This is where the name comes from, because Draw means "draw" in English and describes the drawing of new cards or the exchange of cards.
Different variants:
- Five Card Draw : This is the oldest of all poker variants, from which all other types developed. The goal is to keep the five best cards at the table after a card swap.
- Deuce-to-Seven Single Draw : This variant is usually played as a lowball. In contrast to Hold'em or stud, this does not mean that the highest, that is, the best hand wins, but the lowest, that is, the weakest. In the Single Draw, all players have the opportunity to discard cards of their choice and exchange them for new ones. Alternatively, the cards can be left standing.
- Deuce-to-Seven Triple Draw : Triple Draw is like single draw, only here there is the possibility to exchange cards three times. This is also a lowball game in which the lowest poker hand in the showdown clears the pot.
: Badugi is a draw variant originally from Asia, which is also played as a lowball. However, the ranking of the hands differs significantly from that of the other poker variants. The strongest hands do not include pairs and four low cards with four different suits.
Stud Poker
Stud Poker includes all poker variants in which a player holds both some face-up and some face-down cards. It is also characteristic that the one who opens a game round often changes.
Different variants:
- Seven Card Poker : This is the most common type of stud poker and after Texas Hold'em and Omaha Hold'em the most common poker variant offered in casinos. It is a further development of Five Card Stud. As the name suggests, each player holds (up to) seven cards. The game starts with three cards, with two dealt face down and one dealt face up. After the first betting round (3rd street), the players who are still in the game receive a fourth card, which is placed face up. This is followed by further betting rounds on 4th, 5th and 6th streets, before the seventh and last card follows (face up). If a player remains in the race until the end, he has two face-down, four face-up and one face-down card in front of him.
- Five Card Stud : Five Card Stud is the classic, but almost completely supplanted stud variant. It is played with a total of five cards, of which only the first is dealt face down.
- Razz : Razz is Seven Card Stud, which is played as a lowball. So it's not the best hand that wins, but the worst hand. The ace is the lowest hand, straights and flushes are not counted as such.
- Tropical Stud : This is a stud variant offered in casinos, in which each player individually competes against the bank, i.e. the casino, and not against the other players at the table.
mr green casino- live Caribbean Stud Poker
Poker Betting Structures
In poker, there are three important betting structures that can theoretically be played with all the poker variants mentioned by way of example. However, constellations have been established that are played, while others are unusual. All three variants are common in Texas Hold'em.
- No Limit : This variant allows the player to bet his entire stack at any time, i.e. to go all in. The maximum amount is therefore not limited by the casino, but only by your own chip assets. The minimum bet is determined by the blinds. A raise must be at least as high as the previously played bet or raise. No Limit should only be played by experienced poker players.
- Pot Limit : Behaves in principle like No Limit, only that there is a maximum amount that can be set or increased by. A bet can only be as big as the pot (Pot Size). A raise may not exceed the pot plus the amount that the player would have to call himself.
- Fixed Limit : With the Fixed limit, fixed bets apply. For example, on a $1/$2 Limit Hold'em table, only one dollar may be wagered in the first two betting rounds and increased by one dollar. In the last two betting rounds, then with two dollars. Poker players speak here of small bet and big bet, not to be confused with small blind and big blind. This limit variant is recommended for beginners, as the risk of loss is relatively low.
The most important poker strategies
Only those poker players who have a proven strategy in store and also use it are successful in the long term. Poker strategies are like sand by the sea . Finding the right one takes time and experience. If you want to be one of the best, you have to constantly educate yourself and try out new strategies.
The strategy depends not only on the poker variant, but also on the playing style of the other players. A loose player plays many hands, whereas a tight participant only bets on his strongest cards. Aggressive players often increase the stakes and put the other players under pressure. A passive player enriches the pot only if he sees good chances of winning.
It also plays a role whether in a A tournament or a cash game will be played. At a tournament, all participants pay a starting fee, from which the pot feeds. Only the best ten to twenty percent will ultimately receive prize money. In the tournament, perseverance and survival are also required to get among the best at all. This requires a completely different strategy than the cash game, in which each round is all about the pot in the middle of the table – no more and no less.
In the following, some basic strategies or aspects are explained, which can in principle be applied to all poker variants.
Position at the table
Even the seat at the poker table plays an important role. At a table with ten player slots, the first three hands to the left of the dealer are called Early Position refer. The next five players are in the Middle Position . The last two have the Late positions stop. These are the most desirable places. Because poker is played clockwise, the players who have the last turn have a lot of opportunity to observe the decisions of the other players and to draw up a precise cost-benefit calculation. A player in an early position needs better hands than a player in a later position due to his lack of information. The importance of the sitting position increases with the betting rounds and bet heights.
In poker, outs are the possibilities or ways out that a player has with his cards to win or at least improve the game. A good poker player must always know what opportunities remain to him. Especially since he can calculate the pot odds based on the outs, which will help him make profitable bets.
Pot Odds
The pot odds can be used to determine whether a bet is lucrative or not. To do this, compare the size of the pot with the probabilities (odds) of getting a hand made. A made hand is a hand such as a three-in-hand or a street that could already win in a showdown. The pot odds decide whether a player should call or fold, especially in the draws, where the current hand is worthless but could become valuable by just one matching card. The following applies: If the ratio of the bet to the size of the pot in a draw is less than the odds of holding a good hand after the next card, you should call. Otherwise, it will be folded. Pot odds are especially crucial for a long-term profit when playing poker.
Hand Range
It is most interesting for any poker player to know which hands the opponents hold. The Hand Range is used to analyze the distribution of possible card combinations. At the beginning of the game, the opponent's range still contains all the card combinations. Due to the way of playing, it is now necessary to try to find out which hands are still considered realistic. In consideration of one's own hand, it must then be decided how high the Chance of winning shall. The next decision is based on this.
Bluff and slowplay
Photo of the game table © 888 Casino
The deception of the other players is an important part of poker, especially beginners Bluff overestimate. In professional circles, far less bluffing is done than is commonly assumed. Nevertheless, it is precisely these attempts at deception, which are part of the psychological aspect of the game, that make poker so interesting. A bluff is when a player with a weak hand tries to play a good hand to the opponents through his usually aggressive betting and playing behavior and thus tries to drive them out of the pot. The opposite deception attempt is the slowplay in which a strong hand is played relatively defensively. So it is more likely to be called and checked instead of raising. This should give the impression to the players that they could win with a mediocre hand. They are kept in the game to take advantage of their mistakes in later betting rounds.
Top 3 Poker Providers
PartyPoker - $325 BonusImpressive: The proven provider PartyPoker has already earned a serious reputation for over 10 years – here you will find out how you can benefit from the PartyPoker bonus! |
94/100 | Report | ||
Bet at Home – up to $1500Bet-at-Home is one of the most famous bookmakers in Canada. But not only sports betting is waiting here, the poker offer is also first-class.. |
92/100 | Report | ||
Bwin Poker - 100% to 100 dollarsAt Bwin Poker you can now get a welcome bonus of up to $100. With download or play directly in the browser, you can enjoy the Bwin offer anywhere. |
91/100 | Report |
Five Golden Rules for Poker Players
- Play only when you are balanced and think positively
Poker is only to a certain extent a game of chance. The right strategy ultimately determines success. That is why it is extremely important to play only when you have your head free to concentrate fully on the game and not be guided by emotions at all.
- Keep learning
As mentioned at the beginning, it does not take long to learn the basic rules, but a whole life to master the game. If you want to play poker successfully, you have to be willing to learn constantly. To do this, they must be able to evaluate their own and other people's moves neutrally, learn from mistakes and develop strategies from successes. Poker is a constant learning!
- Be patient
Even if some poker rounds are quickly history, this card game is really not for the impatient. Poker is a game where you win in the long run. Before that, you have to question and test your basic strategy for months to make sure that it is not influenced by chance. By the way, among professionals, only 15 percent of starting hands are considered playable. This also shows how patient you have to be.
- Watch your opponents
The observation of the opponents is an elementary part of poker. Observe in order to be able to predict your strategy at an early stage and to learn from you. Gestures and facial expressions are important sources of information for opponents, make yourself aware of this for yourself. Especially use the time when you no longer call to keep an eye on the other players. You will benefit from it in the following rounds!
- Don't bet money you can't afford to lose
Image Tokens © 888 Casino
Yes, even this truism is one of the golden rules, it is still disregarded by too many players. Remember one thing: if you are afraid, you will lose. Only those who have "spare" the money with which they go into the game can follow the other rules. If your existence depends on this game, you will not be able to act rationally. Defeat is inevitable . Always remember: The biggest hurdle in poker is you!
Small Poker Glossary
Add ons | Possibility to increase the starting capital between two games |
All in | Player bets all his remaining chips on one hand |
Ante | Predetermined bet that each player must bring |
Bet | First use of a betting round |
Big Stack | Players with the highest value of their chips at the table |
Bluff | Do so, that is, whether you hold a good hand |
Burn Card | Card that is withdrawn before the new card is issued and put aside for "security reasons" |
Cash games | The chips that are played with correspond to a fixed equivalent in real money or it is played directly with cash |
Chip lead | Players with the highest value of their chips at the table |
Draw | Incomplete poker hand with one or more cards missing |
Gutshot | The road from the 9th to the King (Engl. for abdominal shot) |
Heads-Up | Situation when there are only (still) two players at the table |
Homegames | Poker games that do not take place in casinos or professional poker rooms, but at home, i.e. in private rooms |
Kicker | Name of the highest card next to a combination |
Lowball | A game in which not the highest, but the lowest combination of cards wins |
Made by Hand | Hands that could already win at the showdown because it is a poker combination |
Poker face | As neutral as possible, a little expressive face that does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about the hand |
Rebuy | Possibility to buy back into the game after the loss of the starting capital |
Reraise | Increase again after an increase in the bet has already been made |
Short Stack | Players with the lowest value of their chips at the table |
Side Pot | One or more side pots are formed when one or more players go all in and more players increase as they own more chips. Players who have gone All in are not entitled to the Side pot(s) |
Slowplay | Pretending to hold a bad hand |
Small Stack | Players with the lowest value of their chips at the table |
Split Pot | Split pot when two or more players have an equivalent card combination in the showdown |
Stack | Sum of the values of a player's chips, must be communicated to the other players at any time on request |
Toke | Tip for the dealer, which the winner of a high pot pays |
Video Texas Hold'em Rules - How to Play Correctly